About the weight loss capsules

Medical science has now proven with a wealth of research how overweight plays a major role in the development of a wide variety of diseases. These include, for example, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint pain and cancer. In addition to health concerns, many people also perceive obesity as an aesthetic problem and, although they would like to lose weight as soon as possible, they are under the misconception that the only way to get rid of the pounds is to exercise for several hours a day and starve themselves.

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In the following, we try to point out that the situation is far from hopeless. There are several ways to help on the road to weight loss, one of which is the use of weight loss capsules. However, it makes a big difference which type you choose, and we would like to give you some guidance on this.

Points to consider when buying a weight loss capsule

A wide variety of questions can arise for each individual when deciding whether to buy a weight loss capsule. These are mostly centred around a few well-defined concepts. Consumers are expecting a reliable capsule that is not harmful to their health, has no side effects and supports weight loss. These points will be discussed in a little more detail below:


In terms of reliability, it is important to emphasise that it is preferable to use capsules containing only natural ingredients. These are the main guarantee that you will not suffer any adverse side effects when using the product.


With regard to natural ingredients and reliability, it is also important to point out that most of them have been used by humans for hundreds or thousands of years, and their effects are best known to science, so unless you are allergic to one of them, you should not be afraid of them.

Official post

On the other hand, only buy consumer capsules that have been registered with the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (hereafter: (OGYÉI) before they are placed on the market and that have been given a notification number. This number does not have to be displayed on the packaging, but the website of the OGYÉI lists the preparations that have been registered by the institute, as well as those that have been withdrawn from the market or suspended. The packaging must include, among other things, the ingredients and the recommended daily intake, so make sure you pay attention to this.

Useful ingredients weight loss capsules that can help you lose weight

When choosing a weight loss capsule or capsule that is right for you, you should also look for ingredients that actively contribute to weight loss. There are several such active substances, some of which are described below.


L-carnitine is one of the most effective fat burning ingredients. It is an amino acid that the body is able to produce from amino acids called lysine and methionine, but often this amount is not sufficient to promote weight loss to the extent that it is needed. Long-chain fatty acids are not able to enter the mitochondria of the cell on their own, only with the help of L-carnitine, where they can be oxidised and the body can use the fatty acids as energy. This prevents excess adipose tissue from accumulating. In addition, the consumption of L-carnitine has other benefits at the same time. The energy produced from the broken down fatty acids increases stamina, prolongs the appearance of fatigue and supports the normal functioning of the heart. It improves muscle oxygenation, prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles and reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Green tea

In addition to vitamins and minerals, green tea also contains caffeine and catechins. The latter are antioxidants responsible for weight loss and fat burning. If the weight loss capsule you choose contains green tea, it has a vasodilating and cleansing effect, stimulates the metabolism and the beneficial effects are even greater if the green tea is accompanied by regular exercise.


CLA, or conjugated linolenic acid is a fatty acid, specifically a form of polyunsaturated omega-6 essential fatty acid. It may seem surprising at first that a fatty acid can help you lose weight, but in fact there is nothing surprising about it. It is now well known that not all fats are harmful, and this is particularly true for CLA. Researchers have concluded that CLA’s effect lies in its positive effect on fat metabolism. This reduces the body’s absorption of fat and speeds up fat burning, while also helping to maintain muscle tone. There have been studies that have shown a 20% reduction in body fat percentage after three months of CLA supplementation. The improvement is even more impressive when combined with exercise. In addition to its role in weight loss and fat loss, it has other positive effects. It can normalise blood glucose levels, help lower cholesterol levels, prevent tumours from developing and, if they have already developed, slow down their growth.


Chilli is another beneficial weight loss ingredient that, like green tea, has been used by humans for hundreds of years. It contains high levels of several vitamins and also helps reduce fat through the capsaicin it contains. Research has shown that capsaicin, when absorbed into the body, leads to the production of proteins that prevent the deposition of fats and can prevent the growth of fat cells. In addition, it has a stimulating effect on digestion and blood circulation, which speeds up the body’s metabolism.

Cactus fibre

The fibres contained in cactus are highly effective in binding some of the fats in the body, preventing them from being absorbed by the digestive system and eliminating them naturally. It can be used to promote weight loss and weight reduction. It also has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels by reducing the amount of fat absorbed after taking it.

As we have seen above, these ingredients can help a lot in reducing the deposited fats, and they are naturally occurring active substances that are not unknown to the human body. The importance of the metabolism-stimulating effect mentioned in several of the ingredients lies in the fact that it prevents fats from being deposited and absorbed into the body, thus helping to reduce weight. It is also worth pointing out that if you choose a weight loss capsule that contains all the active substances described above, their effects are mutually reinforcing and complementary.

The effect of the capsules can be further enhanced

Of course, it is not yet possible to take a weight loss capsule in the evening and have all the fat removed in the morning or even a week later. However, there are capsules that can start you on the road to weight loss. But even these should be seen as having the most beneficial effects if we normalise our diet and include some regular exercise in our daily routine. Fortunately, in neither case do we need to think big. There is no need to starve yourself. Try to eat a varied diet that includes reducing your daily intake of sugar and fat, eating more white meat (e.g. chicken, turkey, fish), eating a high-fibre diet and remembering to drink enough fluids! Regular exercise shouldn’t mean running 20 kilometres a day. Just half an hour of walking a day can do a lot to speed up your metabolism. Just by paying attention to these two aspects, the right weight loss capsules can help you to lose even more weight.

After how long can weight loss occur?

There is no general answer to this question, as different weight loss capsules may contain different levels of each active ingredient and each person may experience the beneficial effects differently and at different times. Some people may start to lose weight within a few weeks, while others may not start until later. It can also speed up the weight loss process if you choose a complex weight loss capsule that contains all the active ingredients described above.

If the weight loss capsules are taken in combination with a balanced diet and regular exercise, the weight loss process can be accelerated and the capsules can have a greater effect. Overall, it can be said that if the weight loss capsules are taken as intended, without exceeding the recommended daily intake, and in a course of treatment, the expected weight loss can occur after a certain period of time, although this may vary from person to person.

Signs of suspicion

It goes without saying that the market for weight loss capsules and capsules has long been extremely saturated, yet every day new companies are appearing trying to come up with a new product. This extremely fierce competition often results in many companies promising extremely sound, quick results or otherwise trying to mislead the consumer. Better still, if the consumer chooses a product that does not produce results and has no harmful side effects, in which case it is ‘only’ our money that suffers from the unpleasant adventure. The worst case is when the wrong capsule is accompanied by harmful side effects.

We should therefore be very careful and avoid preparations for which the following statements are true:

  • they promise immediate or rapid weight loss of several kilos per week,
  • the packaging does not state the ingredients, the dosage method or the expiry date,
  • the product is not registered with the OGYÉI,
  • the ingredients contain substance(s) of unknown origin, artificial or harmful to health,
  • the product is sold by a non-existent company without an operating licence,
  • the exact name, address and contact details of the manufacturer or distributor are not indicated on the product’s website.

In this article, we have not only tried to help you choose a weight loss capsule or capsule with the help of principles and guidelines, but also to draw your attention to how you can identify a large number of ineffective or even harmful products on the market. We trust that by following the above guidelines, everyone will be able to find the preparation that best suits their needs.

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