Bovine or fish collagen – which should we choose?

Many of you will have heard how essential collagen is for the human body. Many people are also aware that the body’s production of collagen starts to decline at a young age and stops as we get older. However, many people also question the source of collagen products and the best source of collagen to use. This is what we try to guide you on in this article.

Briefly about collagen types

There are 28 known types of collagen. Their structure varies from type to type and their role in the structure of the body is different. The types are indicated by Roman numerals. Type I, for example, is present in all tissues of the body, is the most common type and is mainly responsible for the elasticity, firmness and health of the skin. In its absence, wrinkles become more pronounced and the risk of developing cellulite is increased. Type II plays an important role in the structure of cartilages and joints. If it is not replenished in sufficient quantities, the wear and tear of joints, for example, can accelerate.

About collagen sources in general

There are several sources of collagen. It is found in many foods, including jelly, bouillon and eggs. However, it is recommended that you supplement your collagen from a collagen-containing product, as these foods are either not eaten regularly or are not preferred. In addition, the collagen in collagen-containing products is also derived from natural sources.

These natural sources include fish, beef, pork and chicken. Most products contain either beef or fish collagen, so we will discuss these in more detail.

Comparison of fish collagen and bovine collagen

Fish collagen is considered a very pure and high quality collagen. It has an extremely beneficial effect on the hyaluronic acid content, which is beneficial for elastin fibres and also for moisture retention. As a result, the skin’s properties improve significantly after just a few weeks, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic, wrinkles start to smoothen and sebum production improves. In addition to all this, fish collagen has the added benefit of being rich in amino acids and high in antioxidants.

Bovine collagen is also rich in amino acids such as glycine and proline, which help regenerate the skin, reduce fatigue, help prevent joint disease, strengthen bones and help prevent osteoporosis, among other things.

These are just a few examples of the beneficial properties of these two sources of collagen, and it can be argued that there is a lot of overlap between them. If we had to name the main difference, it would be in terms of effectiveness and absorption. Here, the balance is clearly tipped in favour of fish collagen, because fish collagen is much more easily absorbed, and therefore much more efficiently utilised by the body, and its anti-ageing, tissue-building effect is much more effective.

MAll this leads us to the conclusion that collagen drinks containing fish collagen should be preferred wherever possible.

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