Bovine or fish collagen – which should we choose?

Bovine or fish collagen – which should we choose?

Many of you will have heard how essential collagen is for the human body. Many people are also aware that the body’s production of collagen starts to decline at a young age and stops as we get older. However, many people also question the source of collagen...
Drinking coffee without heartburn? There a solution!

Drinking coffee without heartburn? There a solution!

Our eating habits have a profound effect on the functioning of our digestive system and how our stomach or intestinal tract reacts to certain foods and drinks. It is also important to note that these effects can vary from person to person, as everyone has a different...
More about the seal wax fungus (ganoderma lucidum)

More about the seal wax fungus (ganoderma lucidum)

Almost every week, people who want to recover or maintain their health come across new products with different effects attributed to them by their manufacturers. It is therefore not easy to find one’s way around the many products. Ganoderma lucidum is a valuable...
About matcha tea in detail

About matcha tea in detail

While its unbroken popularity is indeed true, the history of matcha tea dates back hundreds of years to the 12th century, when a Zen monk, Eisai, brought a tea seedling and its seeds from China to Japan. Below we will go into some of the most important facts about...
Healthy sweeteners for coffee

Healthy sweeteners for coffee

Almost everyone is now aware that excessive sugar consumption can cause many health problems, be it obesity, diabetes or other diseases. There are many ways of replacing sugar, for example artificial sweeteners have been around for decades, but fortunately natural...
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